
Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Season is upon us.

For Thanksgiving we can start with a good one.

From Mother Teresa?

People are unreasonable, illogical and self centered, Love them anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish motives, Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you will win false friends and real enemies,Try to be successful anyway.

The good you do will soon be forgotten tomorrow, Do it anyway.
Honesty and frankness will make you vulnerable, Be honest and frank anyway.
People favor the underdog but the chum up to the top dog. Fight for the underdog anyway.

What you spend your life building can be lost overnight, Build it anyway.
Give the world the best that you have and chances are you will get kicked in the teeth.
 Be thankful for the good things and give it anyway.

A "classic" song needs to be not only remembered, enjoyed and recognized by the current or original generation of music fans who were around when the song/album was released. The song needs to be remembered, enjoyed, and recognized by subsequent generations as well. There have been plenty of big hit singles who may have had an impact on the pop charts the year that they were released, but are virtually forgotten years later. On the other hand, there are other songs which may not have had as big of an impact the year that they were released, but have had a much bigger cultural impact in subsequent years and have much more longevity. It is the long term recognition that makes the song a "classic". In this year every social dancer is aware of the "Oldies But Goodies."

"I'll Be Home For Christmas" by Bing Crosby

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