
Sunday, August 9, 2020

Line Dancing

Line dancing seems to have disappeared and I think it should be first in the comeback because you can line dance with social distance much easier. If you can stay six feet apart you are just fine. No partner is required so they move only for themselves. Everyone dances alone, side by side, facing the same direction in lines or rows. Each dance consists of a sequence of steps that are repeated throughout the music. No partner is required so they move only for themselves. On the mainland some are dancing in Parks. On grass?

“Social dancers believe that if you lose hope, somehow
you lose the vitality that keeps you moving." 

If somebody knows anything about line dancing on Oahu, email me and we can share it with the rest of the dance community.And of course if you wish to keep it secret, it is your prerogative. For us it is the time to make contact with anyone and spread the word. I am not making any bucks here so I am just a fan. Line dancers seem to develop the best natural styling of any formal dance form or style. Their hearing becomes accustomed to the music that is ordinarily played in social dancing. They allow their bodies to move to the music and learn to feel the timing and the rhythm before learning the steps.

"City Lights" by Loyal Garner

Then as they increasingly learn the steps they allow themselves to exaggerate the movement to feel the music better and develop their own unique styling. Talk about a perfect evolution to partner dancing. Many do go into partner dancing and it was becoming a natural "intermission" dance for many social dance clubs. Don't forget, any information you are willing to share with our readers, email it in. Many do not know about the economics of blogging. No cost. Once they get into contact with one another perhaps another Social Dance club will be formed.

“Most social dancers believe that every dawn may be born with its own unique hope!”

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