
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The Information Contributors

Our Blogging is just holding its own with very few legit hits. Occasional splurges from search engines but not like da reel teeng. I am looking for these dancers out there that are willing to share some Island dance information with our fellow dancers. Ideally it would be a small paragraph and a photo. The effective job is when the synergy multiples into a larger amount of hits for all internet dance connections on this Island. For now we must work on getting the same synergy with more hits, which tell us that we are communicating.

"Some Social dancers believe, that if is not them, then who will stand
for facts and reason and learning and truth?

We simply need a blog site that communicates with our fellow dancers and we must be well aware of it. I must seek Information Contributors to any blog of their choosing. When we get three semi - permanent people in any blog, we can start the planning to make it independent. I can appoint all three as Administrators and I can resign as Administrator. They will run it as they wish and all I will do is blog what I and then when needed. But it is on its own and it can get it's own information contributors. With one more after that they could tell me that "they accept my resignation."

"City Lights" by Loyal Garner

I have got a lot of work ahead of me and I do not have enough time. You, young people might think about yesterday because hopefully you will have learned from your mistakes. Then it should also be pleasant to remember the good things. You must think about tomorrow, because you hope to do better than you did yesterday. But the important one is always today, make the most of it. It will never come again. We must cater to the wants of "our" reader/dancers, give them what they want and make it easier for them to make the right choices. This is different thinking? Definitely.

"Most social dancers accept that a good idea
can never drop into a closed mind."

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