
Thursday, August 13, 2020

Update Not So Good

In the Western Part of of Oahu every thing seems to have come to a screeching halt. There was a little action in town starting up in July when Hawaii was looking good. But then the Trumpanzees got in, - no testing, no masks, and no social distance and the cases and deaths in Hawaii starting going up. The clusters seem to be in the Waipahu - Kalihi corridor. Ewa Beach has a state senator that is Trump so we all know what can happen there. With school openings, teachers are going to infect students and students are going to infect teachers. And the both of them are going to contaminate their relatives, neighbors and friends. Auwe.

"Social dancers know that they cannot change the past,
but we do have a say so in the future." 

Hawaii may now be in going into a really bad state of affairs. Maui has been the only other island with deaths. Now we may infect the other neighbor islands that have had few cases and no deaths. We are still accepting visitors from the worst states in the US. Florida? Git Outta Heah. The top "good" three states in the US were Alaska, Hawaii and West Virginia in July. Now the top two are Alaska and West Virginia. What happened to Hawaii? Trumpanzees don't care. Trump says, "It is what it is." In Hawaii, the schools may settle it, and there may be no dancing for the rest of the year.

"The Music Of Hawaii" by Melveen Leed

It was just beautiful when we could meet and dance with each other someplace at one time. It can be happening every day, one of these days. Is anyone out there picking up on this action? Of course, you may read something of interest in one of our dance blogs, which are not for everyone. We sincerely believe that everyone should read whatever they damn well please. The average hits per day on our blogs has slowed down quite a bit. Computer challenged? Take it slow, I am patient and we are getting there.The main thing to get this entire enchilada into social media via the Feed Back. Once we can get those going, there is no stopping us.

“Social dancers know that they can let go of their sorrow and they will dance tomorrow.”

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