
Monday, September 30, 2013

Da Latest

Well, I watch the stats like a hawk. Wherever I see an opportunity I take it. So it has been for this month. First I deleted The Eastside blog, the old blog rules, no hits, no use. The total hits dropped naturally but in a few days regained ground and more.

From the days when we did not have enough: "All deep things are song. It seems somehow
the very central essence of us is song; as if all the rest were but wrapping and hulls!
~Thomas Carlyle

Then Sea Country had to go, the reader/dancers rule, and it was deleted last week. The total hits dropped again, naturally but are coming back up, but slower. Now at the end of the month I will delete Central Valley blog. And I expect to get the totals back up in a week or so. I will publish the stats for the end of the month on Tuesday, the first, in the Blogging Hawaii blog.

That will leave us six blogs, with two looking good for independence, Town Dancer and Oahu West. I must get rid of the best ones. The junk blogs will remain mine. Now apparently I have to double my efforts to get a Guest Author in the any of the blogs. From experience, it will surely make a big difference in the hits. If I make the extra effort for a blog, you can be sure that Oahu West will be closing up to Town Dancer by Christmas.

"Do Ya Think I'm Sexy?" by Rod Stewart

The Guest Author (that most important factor) can perhaps get us more information from other clubs. I am specifically looking for dance organizations that do not have a Web site. Those are the ones that really need us and we can be of some help. And it won't cost you a cent, this is a blog.

I am making some good contact with Dream To Dance Studio, (even if they have a Web site.) and that may turn out to be a dilly. I will try another studio in the West. Perhaps Woodson Dance Academy or Nix Dance Academy.

So who loses? This is a win-win situation. We are for the dancers and what club they belong to is immaterial, and if the club gets free Public Relations, we don't mind. The reader/dancers are having fun dancing and not harming anyone. We intend to write them up and post the photos of everyone having fun. That's it. Hopefully more people will understand the dance blogging principle that is evolving on this island for the good of all the dancers.

"Yesterday" by the Beatles

And the more people we get involved, the better it will be for all. The solution for Social Media is the different opinions and the different viewpoints. We must avoid S.O.S. So it is taking time but the reader/dancers will eventually know that they are the important ones.


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