
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Hits

The hits remain at another plateau and I must be patient. The blogs are rearranging themselves with the help of Google Analytics and which I take with a grain of salt. Very little news from anyone and it is getting to be too much work to chase down the, is and is nots. I just don't have the time to cover everyone all the time. You want some information in, doesn't cost anything except your time and email.

"Eighty percent of success is showing up." –Woody Allen

I know now that "To Whom It May Concern" notice, ala Web site or Newsletter is not working to get Two-Centers. I must do something to communicate personally to the persons most indicated. I am beginning to get quotes at the social function, some small and some a little longer and of course, the longer ones are more interesting to the reader/dancers. Those people are, hopefully, the most likely to drive the hits to high heaven.

"She Loves You" by the Beatles

The Micro Blog, "Blither," is small, concise and compact but bigger than Twitter. It would be very easy for anyone to pick up on the action of getting in, posting, publishing and getting out without saying boo to anyone. Whenever they feel like posting bigger blogs, they could very easily pass to any regular blog of their choosing. They would already know the ropes.

President Calvin Coolidge and his wife were taking separate tours on a farm. Mrs. Coolidge asked if the Rooster copulated more than once per day. "Oh yes, dozens of times," "Tell that to the president," she replied. When the president was told, he asked, "Same hen every time?" "Oh no, different hen every time." "Tell that to Mrs. Coolidge," He said.

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