
Sunday, July 26, 2015

So Many

There are so many spots in Honolulu to cover, it is a wonder that more of our friends will not share the information with our fellow dancers.  Even just using the comments section of any blog. Just to let the readers know that this is Social Media, not common advertising. Patience, it will take a while.

"Patience is not just the ability to wait, but the ability
to keep a good attitude while we wait"

Before the rise of discothèques and DJ-based dancefloors with recorded music, live bands on Oahu were the ordinary means of serving the dancers.. Along with that, slow-dancing was the primary method of dancing at the time. However; the rise of Rock and Roll music initially made it hard for people to dance in the small dance floors of yesteryear.

 "In The Mood" by Glenn Miller

Dancers did adapted to it and started dancing at higher speeds and almost coinciding with the rise of DJ-based dance floors. In many places on Oahu, live bands were slowly displaced by DJ-based dance floors as the DJ stands took up less space than bandstands and they have been playing recorded music which has been very good music and very up to date.

Enter the "ballroom dancer" and those people need more room to dance in. Their only fault is that they are not drunks. But they know their music and on Oahu in this century, the live bands are discovering the magic of playing the oldies but goodies. Less than one out of a hundred becomes a classic. Fortunately, we have thousands of classics available and the live bands seem to know this best.

Pub;s Side Note: I am on a walker and limited in getting around but I still plan on going to a function at least once per week. I need to get out and the exercise does me good. However, I fumble with my hands so I pass the camera around to a couple, three people to take a few photos. Sometimes I can get a sentence or two in writing from somebody and that helps. Of course, with my own personal views we get a nice blog to share with our fellow dancers.

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