
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Photos, Why?

Yes, our Blog Posts need photos. We live in a visual age, so including images in our blog posts is important. However, one can apply the law of supply and demand to the value of photos. You can imagine the value of 100 million photos per hour arriving at Facebook.

"Kindness beats honesty every time, but think it through -
and make sure you are being honest with yourself."

However, a picked amount of good photos such as Calvin in his Blackpool blogging will send the hits going through the roof. Worth more than all the private photo albums out there. This means our friends and neighbors seeing and reading. Then you have some oldies but goodies such as Frank Sierra in his blogs. Wow, high interest, not only from the people that were involved at the time but also from the rest of us in the present social environment.

Any dancer out there that picks one favorite photo has his own viewpoint in that photo. S.O.S. we don't need. That viewpoint is important to our friends, the reader/dancers. We need 20 thousand? Heaven Forbid. How about one? Ahah! And one from you too - social media.
"Yesterday" by the Beatles

Photos make our Posts more appealing to share. If you’ve ever shared an article on our blogs, you’ve probably noticed that your photos have enhanced it. Giving your readers an image to share may get your group onto other social media — and that sort of word of mouth is some of the best, most targeted advertising you can get — and it’s free.

Photos catch your audience’s attention. You can help avoid “delete” syndrome by breaking up your post with an eye-catching image.  Our eyes are drawn to images, and when you’re fighting for attention on the internet (which you are), a striking image can be the difference between a click in or a click away.

Another benefit of including images in your blog posts is that they give search engines another opportunity to find you — if you’re incorporating SEO. And you can also optimize your images in other ways. And it is ours for the taking.
"Shared despair is squared. Shared hope is cubed (or better?) Raised to the power of Infinity."

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