
Monday, January 12, 2015

Street Dancing

By Frank Wiggins, Nuuanu.

Learning to dance in a night club is similar to Street Dance which of course, was at one time learned in the streets. Yes, it can be quite different. It is nice to know that most American style dancers can navigate quite comfortably in a big enough night club dance floor. It is better to skip those 10 by 10 things that are so loosely labeled dance floors. And of course, those are the places where they most resent the fact that Dancers are not Drunks.

"Perfection is never attainable, but if we take our time and chase it,
we can get very good."

For beginners with at least one drink, there is a beginning, just for fun. Walk to the rhythm of the music. Just left, right, left, right. You can do this to two count, three count and to four count music. From there, perhaps another day, the easiest regular social dance to learn with beautiful music is the Waltz.

"Maui Waltz" by Loyal Garner

You can get an awful lot of help from your fellow dancers. And you can get picky on what tips you want to do, your choice. Once you get that basic accent on the one count you got it made in the shade. And yes, it is still just left, right, left, right and so on. Just go with the music and enjoy moving to it.

If you can enjoy moving to Latin music, it is no different
in learning to dance to it.

Second is to get the slow, quick, quick or the quick, quick, slow to the proper music. With a good basic, you can dance just about any dance on the two or four count. And you and I know you will not learn this overnight. If you have dance friends, together they can help and overtime it will become easier and more enjoyable to move to your favorite music.

"Tangerine" by Jimmy Dorsey

At some time you will feel that you want to take lessons. There are plenty of Studios and Social Dance Clubs available. And be careful, if you get too fancy, too soon, you're dead. Take your choice, you are a night clubber, enjoy the best of life, dancing in a night club.

Pub's Side Note: There have been two groups in town that have consistently produced the best International Style dancers on this island. By the same token there have been two groups that have consistently produce the worst International Style dancers on this Island. Who? Ha Ha! We are talking competition here are we not? That is the name of somebody else's game.

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