
Sunday, March 15, 2020

Pandemic, Part Two.

Received from Richard Takahata
From: Rhrt11 <>

Subject: Re: Pandemic Response

Disclosure I used this source for what I am sharing on COVID19 - the author has a PhD in Pathology and experiences analyzing previous Pandemics

by Peak Prosperity

Emergency Communications - public news sources and government officials cannot keep up with this rapidly evolving event - and analyzing and evaluating the mountains of data lags even further.  The "facts" used by public new sources lags reality, by weeks and orders of magnitude.  Hawaii could easily have 10x - 100x times the reported number of confirmed case, because testing has been delayed by WEEKS, and even with the start of new testing programs to expand it, there will be weeks of transition delay, mistakes and more delays, and a steep learning curve to get it right.  Current test kits are only 70% accurate, so it will take several tries to just get one case properly tested - more delays in getting the truth.  A TIME is critical.  And when the truth starts to hit the US in a few weeks, it will look like this....AWFUL!

So don't feed the COVID19 MONSTER and make it get bigger and BIGGER, do this instead...

There aren't enough trained people and the proper resources in the healthcare system for infectious disease PANDEMICS with no pre-protection by vaccine/HERD IMMUNITY - PPEs ( personal protective equipment) will be all gone soon in days, if not already - how will all these new armies of testing technicians be able to suit up properly prepare to give a test, and then 1000s of tests?  The testing process could end up helping to spread the disease, by not changing out gloves, and PPEs more often. More problems!

FLATTEN THE CURVE - use NPIs!!!, much simpler and cheaper and SAFER!!!

So...avoid all this, please stay home, and avoid adding to the terrible problems we already have - more and more sick people in hospitals and enjoy the peace and quiet far away from the maddening crowds.

Richard - if I got it wrong in anyway - sorry, I am only human

PS - today's news says Hawaii just doubled the confirmed cases to 4 - using testing.  But testing lags reality by orders of magnitude... we could find out later the real number is 100 times that = community spreading is occurring now and no containment measures are effective, only NPIs.  Meanwhile, there are probably many new infected persons on Kauai, and Maui, on the airlines and airports affected in this case, spreading the disease throughout our community now...

PSS - the world economic and financial crises is blowing up now... more losse$$$$, more disruptions, higher unemployment, social upheavals, bankruptcies, homelessness... more reasons to not get sick w/COVID19 and compound all those problems it is causing. 

Be a part of the solution - FLATTEN THE CURVE - NPIs


"By failing to prepare we may be preparing to fail - miserably." 

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