
Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Since most of us pretty much never go anywhere anymore without headphones blasting music into our ear holes, Oahu’s live music scene ranks pretty close to its restaurants and bars in terms of cultural goings-on. Some places in Hawaii birth entire musical genres and hordes of artists, while others act like magnets that bring in eclectic acts from across the state.

“We must never be afraid to raise our voices for honesty and truth
and compassion against injustice and lying and greed."

The music of Hawaii includes an array of traditional and popular styles, ranging from native Hawaiian folk music to Latin, modern rock and hip hop. The Live Band action on all the Islands is very  good and dancers appreciate it. Actually Hawaii's musical contributions to the music of the United States are out of proportion to the state's small size.

"Contigo A La Distancia" by Christina Aguilera

Styles like slack-key guitar are well-known worldwide, while Hawaiian-tinged music is a frequent part of Hollywood soundtracks and is well known in Latin America. Hawaii also made a contribution to country music in the US with the introduction of the steel guitar. Hawaiian music has had a notable impact on the music of other Polynesian islands. And we got most of it on the Island of Oahu right now.

"El Trieste" by José José

However, some dance clubs not only on Oahu are now installing a "juice" bar with all kinds of exotic mixed fruit drinks, delicious and thirst quenching. Have you tried Mango-Pineapple? Outta this world! When you are dancing the body requires liquids in any form. The fruit juices may just be better for you and furthermore, they may be cheaper than anything else at the other bar. You can't lose.

Live music on Oahu is here to stay.

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