
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

We Got Da Stats

I am having fun with my stats of the hit counters on my blogs. Of course, I no longer believe the counters because they count everything. So if I let the robot scam spat robots in, they just run up the hits and that is not too bad just so all our readers understand. Same thing applies to the Search Engines. My advantage is that my stats record average hits per day. At the beginning of the month they are pretty erratic, because of all these outsiders.

"On Oahu where there is love and dance, there is life."

Fortunately, by the tenth, because of the averages, they pretty well establish the relative differences in our blogosphere. That usually gives me Town Dancer in first place. Then it has been Platinum Horseshoe and Dancing Nights for second and third. All my stat indicators do not point to Dancing Nights but they have Richie Fun as Guest Author and he has a couple of information contributors. The only other blog that has Guest Authors is Town Dancer.

"Crazy" by Linda Rondstat

I consider those blogs as the top links and good candidates for possible independence. They are all building up readership and my intent is to get rid of my best blogs. The junk blogs will remain mine. So the readers know by now that they can begin as information contributors in any blog and become Guest Authors whenever they decide it;

"Maui Waltz" by Loyal Garner

Every Guest Author is worth between 10 to 20 average hits per day. So that Dancing Nights with another Guest Author could possibly pass Town Danccr and we can groom them for independence. I can make the final set up with at least two administrators for backup - and resign. I will still have my hands full with six blogs.

"Be My Love" by Mario Lanza

Meanwhile, Oahu- West is beginning to make its move. There are dancers all up and down the Waianae Coast and up through the Central Valley to the North Shore. So as soon as Platinum Horseshoe gets the Guest Author they may be the ones. The decision will not be mine.

Dance Law #23B:
To err is human - to blame it on someone else is even more human.

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