
Monday, July 29, 2019

Lead And Follow

By Jeffery Lau, Turtle Bay

"Lead and follow" is the secret to getting two partners dancing smoothly together. It's simply impossible for two people, dancing in close contact, to move seamlessly if each person is making their own decisions, choosing their own timing and doing their steps independently. The lead decides and usually has less to do than the follow and the ladies are on Oahu are very good and do their part very beautifully.

The dance frame is the most important thing in lead as it helps the man maintain the connection between you and your partner. Your frame should be firm and steady all time. "Noodle arms" or a weak frame will hinder the connection to your partner. Fortunately, the men on Oahu are very good. When you have a good connection/frame, your partner will feel like she is part of your body. Learn the signals, wherever you go, she can sense the movement from your body instantly.

"Maui Waltz" by Loyal Garner

 Every woman agrees that what she needs from a man is for him to be a strong leader. But if that’s true, then what is it exactly that the man needs from the woman? You guessed it; a strong follower. They are two totally different sets of skills, and two totally different mindsets. One requires immediate action, commitment and confidence, while the other requires patience and willing submission to the will of another. But how can a woman be patient and submissive to a leader who is not quite confident and assertive (At least not yet)?

"Sweet Someone" by Don Ho

When a man wants to dance with you, he will first extend the invitation to dance. Once you accept, he will create his frame. And once his frame is created, it is the woman’s job to step into his frame and stay there. But what if his frame is wavering, as it might, what do you do then? It has been said that when a man steps on a woman’s feet it is usually the woman’s fault for not getting her feet out of the way. But why would a woman be thinking about getting her feet out of the way when the man hasn’t moved yet, or worse, is too busy “waddling” around her feet? With practice they will both learn very nicely.

"Social dancers hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not,
we can hope you have the courage to start all over again."

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