
Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Younger Crowd

By Jake Turner, Kalealoa
It has been argued that consumer behavior on Oahu, such as the attendance of nightclubs, is a form of ‘lekking behavior’. (A lek is a physical space where males of a species congregate in order to impress females). Social studies have shown that women who demonstrated the most vigorous combination in sexual signalling elicited over 50% of all male attention and that the number of couples who left a nightclub over the period of several nights was significantly greater than the number of couples who had entered the nightclub. Huh?

"Social dancers are aware that those who dance may be thought to be quite insane
by those who cannot hear the music, and it is the music that counts."

Men, the young and the more experienced, were more likely to approach women employing suggestive dancing as a sexual signalling mechanism. Essentially the study found that the nightclub can be viewed as a lek as there are many observed forms of sexual signalling and many ways for the sexes to approach each other based on this signalling. From this it can be suggested that one of the reasons why people go to nightclubs is because these are venues which make it easy to find a partner (Even if it is just temporarily).

"Tiny Bubbles" by Don Ho

Therefore you may be drawn to nightclubs even subconsciously as from an evolutionary perspective they are an optimal place to find a partner. A further potential reason behind why people go to nightclubs has been suggested to be the expression of oneself. When a person goes on a night out it is highly likely that they will dress up and make sure that they look their best. Given this intention and given that most people going to a nightclub are likely to be aware of the need for a dress code and code of conduct it is not surprising that a lot of scrutiny of others occurs.

"Social dancers try to: - Be human - Be honest - Be respectful
- Be a Participant - Be open - Be Courageous."

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