
Saturday, February 1, 2020

Dancing in Hawaii

By Ralph Iwamoto, Makakilo.

The importance of the Greek civilization has been overlooked in most American studies. We owe so much to the Greeks in art, architecture, dance, drama, poetry, rhetoric, philosophy, ethics and theoretical mathematics. They practically invented the categories of present day Western thought.They also left us something else. A detailed history of a war which brought a democratic superpower from glory to ruin.

"I just put my feet on the ground and move them around." ~ Fred Astaire

So as we turn back the clock to 480 B.C. you might ask yourself, as you become aware, is this story a model to copy or a horror story to avoid? They repeatedly reminded us of Hubris., the unforgivable sin of acting cocky when things are going well. Bush landing on an aircraft carrier with the signs, "Mission Accomplished." And now Trump has it "made in the shade." Hubris is followed inexorably and inevitably by Nemesis. Possible good news in that sector.

"I Will Dance For You" by Willie K

Here on Oahu, our dance scene gets better every day. Great people, terrific dance clubs, excellent instructors of American Style of Dance and good music. We have good hopes of a dance club in the Waianae Coast and perhaps one on the North Shore. We already have some of the best American Style Dancers in the Pacific. Now we have heard that the Creative Researchers And Producers (in town) seem to be receding into the background. However, there may be a new spin off with women only. The new name has been assigned, (by the defenders of the good faith,) as the Ladies International Association Real Society. Nice and very appropriate.

"Social dancers seem to know that sometime later may become never. ..."

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