
Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Just Beautiful

I am actively looking for Two Centers, formally known as Information Contributors. Those people willing to send us by Email, now and then, a little dance information and perhaps a couple photos that we could share with our fellow dancers. With just a few entries to see if you like the results, you could become a Guest Blogger. No big deal. It just allows you to get in the blog, write, include photos, publish and get out without having to say "boo" to anyone. And without any kind of scheduled commitment, it is your own blog and you can do as you damn well please.

"Social dancers say, try dancing and see how it can benefit your life.
You may never regret it!"

I have a heavy load with five blogs and blogging for me is a continuous commitment. So for me, as well as the other readers, it is refreshing to see other's opinions for the reader/dancers. And it gives me pause to absorb the new information too. Guests contributions allow me to take it a little easier and work on my other blogs. Guest contributions can be an awesome source of inspiration. It can and does happen that a new contributor enters our dance blog community and offers something completely different.

"Morning Dew" by Melveen Leed

Or maybe even writes something that I have already mentioned – but using a unique style, a different perspective or a new format. And our reader/dancers may find that awesome! Now I keep being inspired! I feel that I know how to re-use my previously published ideas to find new ones and how to re-think my previously published opinions to spur new discussion. And I can get rid of my best blog.

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
Your limitation? — it's only your imagination."

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