
Monday, February 3, 2020

The Dance Scene on Oahu

Besides Trump and his fellow crooks, there are other things going on, including a transition of value from labor to capital as a result of technological progress, that is driving the gains of the wealthiest right now. Trickle up economics has worked in other countries but the rich eventually get GREED and that calls for more money. If they can buy a dummy like Trump, they got it made in the shade with a lower tax rate and other benefits like privatizing some public services like prisons. Thinking, "For The People," is obsolete with them. Abraham Lincoln was a Republican.

Abraham Lincoln Quote From the Gettysburg Address.
 "That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom – and
that government of the people, by the people and for the people,
 shall not perish from the Earth.”

Night Clubbing? As you get older you will go less. But for the under Fifty social dancers it may still be there. There are many psychological reasons behind the appeal of nightclubs some even involving evolution and the impact of our ancestors. Although nightclubs are a seemingly new concept, the power behind their pull is as old as society itself – and so if a club wishes to be successful it is important for its managers to understand the strength of the psychological impact nightclubs have. And most of our popular clubs are already managing to establish the precise atmosphere which exploits psychological attraction of the venues through the usage of multiple techniques.

"Fly me to the moon." by Jimmy Borges

And we are getting better at understanding each other
in the dance scene.
 Dance Teacher: Not quite synonymous with Dance Instructor. All you have heard, "Anyone can teach anyone a dance step". or another quote, "Anyone can learn a dance step." The proper styling? Now that is quite a different matter. However good dance teachers usually help good dancers. Understandable. - Dance Workshop, Amateur: A modern form of street dance club. A social gathering of dancers roughly the same level of expertise to help each other in perfecting their steps and patterns which they already know. They may also use DVDs to introduce new movements to their repertoire. They can develop into some of the best of the Social dancers. - Dance Workshop Pro: A Professional who can teach anyone the "correct way" according to the established Disciplines, the American or the International for a fee.

"Social dancers know that they can dwell on the beauty of life.
Dance, watch the stars and see themselves running with them."

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