
Saturday, April 25, 2020

Slowly Folks.

Oahu Dancers is a blog about Dancers on Oahu. Surprised? A dance blog is a type of website that focuses mainly on written content, also known as blog posts and in this case it is about dancing. But now we are in different situation, we are not dancing, we are staying home. And what are we doing? "Only The Shadow Knows." We had plenty of information before of the hot spots for the week, but not now. If we can get some of our readers to share some information with our fellow dancers, we would get some readers back. We could let them know what we are doing and perhaps what else we could do. Just until we start dancing again. Email it in and I shall post. Mahalo.

"Social dancers wish all of you with enough hellos to get you through the final good-byes."

Many on the mainland are getting the rhythm more ingrained in their muscle memory. They are home and it is easy. They put on their favorite fox trot in a nice four count. Then they just use the even step. left, right, left, right, in place and feel the easy movement with the music. Whenever they feel fine with the movements, they start going forward in a circle around the room. There is Change of Feeling. How about backwards. Fine, they just have to be careful and there is a different feeling. How about a left turn, a right turn? But everyone gets the message, they will feel their way into the music and they will get better all the time. You will be a Social Dancer.

"My Molokai" by Willie K.

A word of caution to all our readers. Beware of the Snake Oil sales people. Right now, most are Christian Evangelicals. Jim Bakker, most prominent with a "Sure Cure" and there are several others, "Guaranteed." PT Barnum said, "There is sucker born every minute." Trump says he was wrong. "It is every second." Liberty University favors Clorox, the Christian Evangelicals favor Lysol and the KKK favors Windex. Just be careful folks, and listen to the ones that really know like the rest of the world.

"Social dancers believe that hope is being able to see that
there may be light ahead despite all of this darkness."

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