
Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Staying Home

The dance scene on Oahu is just about as low as it ever going to be. Dancers cannot top dancing. We will find ways to keep on dancing. For now the most used at home is the online dance video of lessons or exhibition dances. All we can do is to try to mimic and enjoy moving the body to music. Line dancing is the easiest for most line dancers. And many find polishing up the moves that they already know to be just fine. Notes and suggestions will be gratefully accepted by us. Email them in and we can share them with our fellow dancers on the blog of your choosing.

"Social dancers wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting."

Meanwhile, most of us are well aware of the very basic rhythms and enough variations in the types of music in the dances that we enjoy. And we all have our favorites, we are not clones. We may have a distinct song we like to dance in that particular dance. Some DJs have difficulty understanding this because they are not dancing it, and for them a Rumba is a Rumba and a Cha Cha Cha is just that. And the dancers can definitely dance it. Then Social Dancers prefer at least a 30 second break between each song, it makes each dance a special scene and you have a beautiful evening. I believe Warwick Sargent is the only one that ever took the opportunity to announce each song and by whom, and everyone certainly appreciated that.

"Fly Me To The Moon" by Jimmy Borges

The young and their fad dances have existed forever. Since 1913 there have been over one thousand fad dances in the US. The "animal" dances lasted to the middle twenties. The disco variations exist to this day. Social Dancers are realizing now that there too many dances out in dance land to dance in at a good Bronze level. We must reduce it down a six or seven dances that remain for our personal enjoyment only. Even the diehard Tango dancers that insist on theirs being the real thing. Which one? Many do not know that in Argentina there are at least 10 different Tangos taught. We are Social Dancers.
"Happiness is too many things these days for anyone to wish ill on anyone lightly.
So let's just wish each other a nice time. "

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