
Thursday, April 16, 2020

We will make it.

Social dancing requires strength, mobility, power, cardiovascular endurance, and muscular endurance. More? That's true for exhibition, competition and professional dancers too. Not only does dancing keep you fit, but it also boosts your mood and keeps you mentally sharp. Ordinary dance studies published on Oahu have found that dancing is something that lowers the risk of dementia by 76 percent. It’s no surprise that mastering such a uniquely beneficial mind-body exercise demands a little extra support in the training department

"Hope itself is like a star — not to be seen in the sunshine of
prosperity, and only to be discovered in the night of adversity."

It’s crucial that dancers protect their joints and muscles, and strength is the number one injury-prevention tool. Make it a practice to skip a few dances in an evening of dancing. We can also add that low-back issues are common among dancers. When you dance, your hips and core work together. If those muscles are weak, it pulls on the lumbar spine and may cause low-back pain. To counter this and stay in peak form for dancing and other athletic pursuits, it is recommended setting up a short exercise routine for when you get back on the dance floor.

 "Shores of Haleiwa" by Loyal Garner

There will come a time.

I will not be seeing many of my fellow dancers on Oahu for awhile and we all know why. We can all agree that many of our of fellow dancers are the best in the Pacific. Most of us accept that we were dancing to purely enjoy the dance, which is what most social dancers do. Each blog had been developing some niche, so everyone could decide which one was more pertinent by reading them and asking. Not relevant at the moment. The information contributors will eventually decide and define some of these blogs and the hits will go through the ceiling. And furthermore, to blog just for fun will just make it real social media on the island of Oahu.

"In all things it is better to hope than to despair, however bad
it may seem. Where there’s life, there’s hope."

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