
Monday, April 20, 2020

Social Dancing Marches On

Came across some terminology that is somewhat common among experienced social dancers:
Truck: Impolitely applied to women that have a heavy tone. The ladies usually acquire this from dancing with "Truck Drivers." Truck Drivers: Men who lead with excessive force including two hands for turning a lady. Of course, it may be acquired from dancing with "Trucks."

From the Spencer Dance Centre in London.
"Carry the lady as if she is tray of drinks - the most beautiful crystal glasses
containing the very best champagne. Do not spill a drop."

Underarm Turn: A turn in which the lady turns to her right while the man is holding her right hand with his left. Unleadable Step Pattern: Any dance movement that cannot be led and followed easily in a basic pattern. Mostly in the Silver Division and up. They must be taught and learned. Upbeat: The last beat of a measure, as opposed to the downbeat, the first beat. Also: In classes, used by the instructors as "and' to signal the next move in the following beat. Video Tapes: A terrific way to supplement and learn dance movements during this terrible time. The easy way to repeat it and specially for those that can learn easily by watching. Vocals: A musical selection with one or more people singing. Along with the Harmony and Melody, this is of little interest to beginners. This is more appreciated as the dancers realize they are becoming social dancers.

"In This Life" by Bruddah Iz

Patience and hope, our day will come.

The American Revolutionary War. How did that happen? Those were turbulent times throughout the world. The rich in Great Britain could no longer bleed the colonies of money and they had continued to make attempts to assert greater control over colonial affairs. The Declaration of Independence came in 1776. I am sure no one said it, but they were not going to take that shit any longer. The insurrection by which 13 of Great Britain’s North American colonies won political independence and went on to form the United States of America.

“No, our science is no illusion. But an illusion it would be to suppose that
what science cannot give us we can get elsewhere.” 

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