
Saturday, August 3, 2019

Dancing is Social

Social dancing is not only artistic recreation but also a sport integrated with social aspects. It has always been a most acceptable way for adults to play. It not only pleases the participants but casts its attractiveness on the people watching. This has led to extensive development of Exhibition and Competition dancing. Though exhibition dance now has evolved into much more than the originals five or six decades back. Now it is performance or theatrical dancing, strictly show biz.

"Social dancers believe that we can come back from thoughts about work and problems to the good sensation of moving one's body to our favorite music."

One very good thing on Oahu is the teaching of both American and International Styles. The ladies are so very good they recognize the man's style in an instant and they usually do an excellent performance. By the same token, the social dance differs only slightly and are very natural moves. When was the last time you did a reverse cross body lead in Rumba? When did you last use the alternative basic in Rumba? No hu hu, the idea is to enjoy moving to that good music.

"Maui Waltz" by Loyal Garner

Meanwhile our blogs are definitely at the point of diminishing returns in average hits per day. The reason is SOS. With the addition of the Information Contributors and the Guest Bloggers, we are sure to gain back more readers than we lose. We can be sure of getting more open social dance clubs. And blogging will have created a culture of Truth, Inclusion and Innovation. Our dance world will never be the same again

Pub's Side Note: What we need now, more than anything, is a few Information and/or Photo contributors willing to share information and/or photos of our dance environment with our fellow dancers. 

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