
Friday, August 30, 2019

We Getting There

With the over dilution of the readership (too many blogs) I brought it to a head much faster by going all the way to eleven blogs. Then pruned them down to the Fabulous Five now, in which some are just holding on. However, I have access to Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Word Press and Pinterest to spread the word. He have almost 40 thousand dancers on this island. So I think it is possible to get each blog with about 33 average hits per day. (1000/month) Feedback first, then the Guest Bloggers (their own blog within the blog) And everyone will decide for themselves. For one thing, Hispanic cultural awareness needs to be more accepted in Hawaii. It is not just Salsa.

"Social dancers seem to know that at our dance socials, it may be
good social manners to accept an invitation to dance."

The entire Hispanic community will realize that Latin does not have to be from the Caribbean. There may be 20 million people in the Caribbean, but there are 20 million in Mexico City alone. Somebody picking up on this action? Mexico, the entire country, is a powerhouse of diverse music. South America with Brazil and Argentina have always led the way there. So it is happening in Hawaii, the diverse Hispanic community is independently identifying themselves as Hispanic. It will take time, we are going to learn to Chassé and the Rock Step. There may be a Latin Night Club right around the corner. Latin Waltz, Rumba, Cha Cha Cha, Samba and Tango. And how about a few Rhythm dances like Swing?

"Maria Elena" by Jimmy Dorsey

Hear, Hear This is a widely used way of expressing approval for something the speaker has said. It dates from the time when some people expressed their disapproval by humming. Those who were in favor of what was being said called for others to listen by saying, "Hear him," Over time this changed to "Hear, Hear," the form that is used today. So we can hum when Trump starts talking.

"Social dancers know that Laryngitis offers one compensation.
Dancers will believe anything that is whispered."

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