
Friday, August 16, 2019

The West

Our blogs are shaping up slowly but nicely. The best blogging last week was in some of the terrific blog sites in California. The hits are going to go through the ceiling and our reader/dancers are becoming aware of the fun we can all have. From there, Oregon is doing just fine except that they may put at tax on dancing to pay for a wall somewhere. Here on Oahu, they may do it to help pay for the rail disaster. All the dance groups on this island are doing their own thing and we must respect. I only have the Central Valley to deal with at the moment specially Mililani.

"Social dancers are well aware that disco music in the ’70s was just a call to go wild and party and dance with no thought or conscience or regard for tomorrow and we still dance."

The Community Center and District Park would be good for starters for the next dance group forming. We will just have to be patient and concentrate on what we have. I must go to Waianae District Park and find something on the North Shore. Check them out and I am certain to get some information from somebody for the good of our readers. The most indicated new dance club will probably be at the Waianae District, the best dance floor. And most of the possible participants in the Western part of Oahu are not interested.

"Sweet Someone" by Don Ho

If we have to, we can dance in the streets.
Did everyone see that item on the internet? "Thirteen affordable cars that can hit 150 miles per hour." Wow, whatta revelation. These people really know what is needed on this island. For sure they did not consult with our Rail Disaster people. Even though I hear that the Auto industry helped in funding for the Rail Party. The more they screw up the public transportation the more people buy cars. Auto repair shops on the Waianae Coast working overtime. Stands to Reason.

"And men have learned to understand women. To women, five Minutes may be half
an hour. But it is equivalent to the five minutes that your football game is
going to last before you take out the trash, so it's an even trade."

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