
Thursday, August 22, 2019

Who Invented Steps?

The Mexican civilizations of 4000 years ago had professional dancers. They had a place to sleep, food and what little clothing they required furnished. They spent every day with music and dancing. But they did not have to work in the fields and it was all on their own time. They developed the three count as an even step, and it was slightly changed to accommodate a rock step and chassé which is still used to this day in the Latin Waltz. Perhaps used much more than the ordinary Waltz. When the Viennese Waltz was introduced to Mexico by the Austrian, Maximilian, it was accepted by the Indians with no fan fare, for they had been dancing that way for centuries.

"Social dancers believe that inspirational dance quotes celebrate the joy of dancing
and get them excited for this beautiful way of expressing themselves."

How about the four count? I am sure many of you have seen the Fox Trot danced on the step dance sequence, one, two, three, four. With the right music and slow enough to allow longer steps it can be enjoyed and even watched with pleasure. The usual of course is the slow, quick, quick which we also dance for fun. And then the two count is the most common accented step dance used throughout the world. The English Paso Doble  and the Merengue are quite popular and the styling can be be quite different depending on the music and the interpretation. The Samba? Probably the most unique movements in partner dancing and in Brazil almost exclusively the chassé.

"Save The Last Dance For Me" by Michael Buble.

So we have the four step, 1, 2,3,4 in Fox Trot and we have the three step in Waltz, 1, 2, 3 and we have the two step as the most common Even Steps in the world. And though most have not heard of it we also have the one step? Huh? However, steps are just walking to music. Social dancing is about partnership, enjoyment, and exercise. Ballroom and Latin dancing is perhaps the most elegant and well-respected social activity in the world!

"Some social dancers know that the big secret in life is that there is no big secret.
Whatever your goal, you can get there if you’re willing to do it right."

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