
Friday, September 13, 2019


I have been on this space ship earth for a long time. Yesterday on the 12th, in this space ship, I completed my 94th trip around the sun. Even with all my mistakes, it has still been a nice journey. I have had my day in the sun, I have no complaints. For the young, leaving is such a tragedy, not only for themselves, but for their loved ones, friends and relatives. All I can do at this point is to wish all my friends a good time while they are here. No hu hu with me. And we all understand, after we are gone, "this old world will keep on turning."

"Social dancers on this island seem to have accepted the fact that the more we think
we are different, the more we find that we are the same. Dancing anyone?"

I am certainly glad that many social dancers are aware that dancing builds strength. The more time you spend dancing with your partners, the more strength you will build. Depending on the type of dance you do, you will build up strength in different areas of your body. Another fun fact is that the muscle exertion and breathing rates of dancers performing in a dance competition are sometimes equivalent to that of cyclists, swimmers, and Olympic 800-meter runners. Don’t underestimate the workout that dance provides, although it won’t seem like a workout because it's so much fun !

"Maui Waltz" by Loyal Garner

The man died. went to heaven and met St. Peter at the pearly gates. As they walked down a long hall there were clocks everywhere but they all went at different speeds. St. Peter explained that each person on earth had a clock and that each time they sinned the clock ticked a tock. Soon they passed a clock that wasn't moving. "Oh, that is one of the best popes that ever lived." They passed many other clocks along the hall but one person they never saw. So he asked St. Peter, "where is Trump's clock." St. Peter said, "Oh, we keep it in the office for a fan."

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