
Saturday, September 28, 2019

Two-Centers are Valuable

We are down to five blogs and they are having a time getting going. Nobody knows from nothing. The leading blog is still an outsider with a counter which is going down in average hits per day. OK, communication is not my strong streak. I am currently in Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Word Press and Pinterest just to spread the word around and it is spreading but very slowly. Feedback is still the immediate solution just to get more dance information on Oahu to share with our fellow dancers. We have been at the point of diminishing returns for about six months. I was able to get a lot of hits off our counter that were not legit hits.

"Male Social dancers go through this in the beginning, - they will feel confused - they
know the moves and they wonder if they will ever get as good as the other leads."

Yes, the feedback phases over into a Two Center. A person willing to share their 2 cents of dance information with our fellow dancers on a blog. They may become officially Information Contributors and be on tap any time the wish to become a Guest Blogger. We need prose not poetry. Information about our dancing locations and our fellow dancers. Our blogs have one big advantage in that everything will be above board, much different than the cliques that had almost run Dancing into the ground.

"With A Song In My Heart" by Al Martino

What our Two Centers say in our blogs may not be what you think they said in our blogs.
That is Social Media.

Opinion: applies to a conclusion or judgement which, while it remains open to dispute, seems true or probable to one's own mind.

Belief: refers to the mental acceptance of an idea or conclusion, often a doctrine or dogma proposed to one for acceptance.

View: is an opinion affected by one's personal manner of looking at things.

Conviction: is a strong belief about whose truth one has no doubts about.

Sentiment: refers to an opinion that is the result of deliberation but is colored with emotion.

Persuasion: refers to a strong belief that is unshakable because one wishes to believe in its truth.

"Sometimes tradition is the way of doing things that keeps us
from doing them better."

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