
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Flip Flap

Blogging should be a mixture between an art and a science. If this is true (and I think it is), there’s no "right way" to approach blogging if you want to be successful. There are plenty of people who’ve done a great job of it though, and it would be useful to learn from them. If I was able to get out more, I would be able to gather ideas of what topics our social dancers people would most like to read about. But I cannot and I am convinced that feedback from anyone willing to share some dance information on our blogs would be terrific because it would be varied. That along with a few photos would clinch it. A better understanding of our audience on Oahu means we could have a better idea of what blog content will resonate with them, which is an advantage to getting more reader/dancers.

"Social dancing provides a new cultural experience and may improve your outlook."

Social dancing on Oahu has been accepted on Oahu in this century, Now I am certain of it. First the big cliques, the Creative Researchers And Producers and the Rootzi Tootzis are not that heavily involved anymore. They had made it known that they dance "correctly" and by default we were not dancing correctly. Therefore they were different than the rest of us. Now we have all accepted it as fact and agree with them. We may not need them for our preference of dance. At least in this century there are new dances, fads etc that have come into our dance world that have not been dictated from on top. All new movements will continue to evolve from "movers," the people that are moving to the music of their choice and there is a big, big difference.

"Molokai Waltz" by Amy Hanaialii 

The lady gets up a little late, puts up the shades, takes the cover off the Parrot's cage, she loves him but he has a nasty vocabulary. She makes a coffee, sits down in the living room and glances out the window and sees the preacher coming up. Wow! She quickly puts the cover back on her bad language Parrot's cage and goes to the door to let the preacher in. As the preacher gets in, the parrot, from under the cloth says: "Goddamn, that was a short day!"

"Dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Work is
the price we must pay for success. Most of us can accomplish
anything if we are willing to pay the price.

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