
Thursday, May 14, 2020


Freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint, and the absence of a despotic government. Freedom of speech is the right of people to express their opinions publicly without governmental interference. And everyone wants freedom. Of course, Protestors want freedom and they don't give a damn if I want my freedom. They even carry automatic machine guns to enforce their right to freedom. And they don't give a damn about my rights. Is there something wrong there?

"There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic
so powerful as the expectation of something good tomorrow."

These Protestors are different and they do not want to do as we do to keep from dying to the Trump Plague. Yes, they do have that right but not in my backyard where you are going to infect my family and friends. You can do that in your own places and we could help you find the places where you can infect your own people all you want. We will know what places to keep away from and what people to keep away from us. That's OK with me. That is your freedom. My freedom wants to protect my own, my way, not yours. I consider this a matter of life or death and I will not take any of your shit.

"Somewhere Over The Rainbow" by Bruddah Iz

We are doing good and it may be soon. Hang in there.

Meanwhile Hawaii is doing very well, and there is a gradual opening. We shall see what we shall see. Meanwhile, we will continue to wear our masks and respect social distance. Wash our hands at every opportunity. We in Hawaii must stop viewing masks as a sign of disease, and see them instead as a social kindness, a courtesy as common as “Please” and “Mahalo.” In Hawaii we are learning to wear masks to protect ourselves from infections, but, even more important, to show consideration for others on our island.

"Social dancers believe that hope allows us to look at the future optimistically
and to see opportunities instead of challenges."

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