
Sunday, May 10, 2020

We Can't Quit Now

So here on Oahu, we can't take classes and we are stuck at home. (OK, we are safe at home.) But we have all taken classes that were good but we just didn't get it all. Well, that experience doesn't have to end! We can find some way of reviewing most sets. See if you can find something on line that will give you better ideas. Start by playing some music that fits the dance.Then just swaying any way you like to get in the mood. You don't need a mirror here, but it helps. Once you remember how it feels, try to move the easy movements first. Try to remember as much as you can of what the teacher was trying to convey that you may have missed because of the pressures of class.

"Social dancers try not to think of all this misery, but of
the beauty that may still remain ahead of us."

Got it more ingrained in your muscle memory? Cool. Now let it go easy with the music. Moving with the music is what most social dancers go for. With more leeway on time, you have the luxury of really playing around with the choreography – adding performance, facials, some freestyle, etc. This is a great way to get better at dancing and hone your strategy in class taking. Re-learning a piece at your own pace will help you understand how to approach a piece the next time you take a class. And better yet when you get on the dance floor again. And you can still get more ideas on how to keep learning dance at home!

"I Will Dance For You" by Willie K

One of these days soon.

Once we start to understand the problems our reader audience faces, we should be able to find a way to solve those problems. At this time there is not much we can do but keep giving the reader/dancers what little dance information we can get. We also have to have patience and wait for feedback from the readers. Whatevah, these blogs are still evolving and the one clear advantage is the Two Center when and if we get one. The rest of the reader/dancers know what we offer - and there have been few takers.

"Social dancers believe that hope means hoping when things
may look hopeless, or there is no virtue in it at all."

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