
Saturday, May 16, 2020

Line Dancing

Line Dancing on Oahu as been very well accepted in most dance venues as part of the dance scene. Unfortunately we have had a ratio of about, 5 to 1, women to men. We need more men and how we gonna do that?  Tough, for the simple reason that if we get more men, we will get more women. Line dancing also happens to be a place where it might do the most good for single men. Starting with the social opportunity to become acquainted with many more women. Nowadays, anyone can learn the preliminaries easily on line if you have a computer.

"Social dancers believe that if you keep on dancing with
hope in your heart, you’ll never dance alone."

1. Learn the counts. Line dancing is not hard when you can count the entire choreography as you do it. Each single step, hip movement, or wobble has to be timed to the music.

2. Distinguish between a “step” and a “touch”. A step is when you change your weight on the foot and a touch is when you do not change weight on the foot. Touches are very commonly used to switch directions so make sure you know when its a touch versus a step.

3. The magic is in between the steps. While the steps and the counts are set, the way you dance in between is what counts. Put your own style into the steps. You can do many different things with your hips, upper torso and arms to be unique.

Line Dancers can become accustomed to the same basic movements and the same type of music used in partner dancing. And since they don't have to worry about leading they can relax and develop their own style characteristic of each dance to suit themselves.

As social dancers, men and women will understand when they are fully awake that they have infinite power to help change our dance world by simply living the change they want to see. Judging for themselves and not just what others tell them. They may like to make sure that their opinions are heard. If just a small minority of men and women took steps to do this, it would shake the dance establishment to its core. Then they would also have the opportunity to convey an opinion in any blog, knowing that they have a receptive readership, simply because it is a unique opinion.

"Social dancers believe that hope may be a ray of sunshine breaking thru the clouds
after the storm. Faith is knowing there are more where that one came from."

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