
Sunday, June 9, 2019

Makaha? No

It is West Oahu and I live in Mililani now. Very difficult to go to the Waianae Coast and still somewhat difficult to get to the North Shore too. My only way is by Handi Van so I must get some kind of contact from someone before hand, so that I can blog'em. Even then I cannot do everything a good blogger can do. I need some help from a few of the dancers at the shindig to make a nice interesting blog. I can usually fill in the rest. And if I cannot be there, the feedback is the most important. Anyone can email information and/or photos, for publication in the blogs. We can share with our fellow dancers.

"Social dancers know that it is very possible to learn social dancing
and it’s the little things that make a big difference."

I cannot take photos with my camera, I have fumbleitis. However, I pass it around and I can usually get each person to take get four to six pictures of "their friends." I then make six picture collages to get bigger pictures, so that getting 13 or 20 pictures gives me enough to get the best pics in the collages. Passing the camera around gives us the advantage of getting a more diverse group in the blog instead of all just being the close friends of the one photographer. I like the advantage - for the photees, the blog, the reader/dancers, the club, everyone. This is social media, it should be a win-win situation.

"Molokai Waltz" by Amy Hanaialii

Now, this blog has to look for a contact with the Waianae Coast and the North Shore. Get me an invitation, I can get the Handi Van and we can take it from there. I want to blog'em and hopefully some one will want to get blogged. The Two Centers will be most important. They will be willing to contribute their 2 cents in dance information and share it with our fellow dancers. It should be up to them. We can all be part of the biggest group evolving on Oahu, the Social Dancers.

"Social dancers are aware that the most difficult thing is
the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity."

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