We gotta give these people in West Oahu an "E" for effort. There will be more dancing in West Oahu and not only our type of social dancing. All we have to do is continue to recruit the right people and evolve groups of friends, neighbors and fellow dancers. With good places to dance we can develop nice groups of compatible dancers. Kalihi is the perfect place to start it and keep it going West. The increase in the population of West Oahu as a bedroom community has been slowing down in this century. But Business Parks are still very much needed Waianae and the North Shore.
Science says the motor regions of professional dancers' brains
show more activation when they watch other dancers
compared with people who don't dance.
The real estate market is not doing as well as the Eastern part of the island. And the answer points to the "Rail Catastrophe." The people voted and they are now stuck with the biggest rip-off of the citizens of all these islands. Now, all the islands will have to pay the piper. Most of the troubles are in the Rail Tragedy area. Putzing around with the Rail Disaster with plans to cut the buses and forcing everyone to use the Rail is a big headache. Everyone can see the mess right now.
"Night And Day" by Jimmy Borges
Hey, Hey, Hey. And more than that we are well aware that some people are going to make billions and billions of dollars in profits. Much of it going to Mainland people. Grabauskaus, the Rail Czar was the highest paid employee in the city administration, more than the Mayor and the Governor put together. Talk about a con job but I don't know if Trump was involved. They finally knew that he wasn't doing much and he left, a Multimillionaire. It's was the bread, Fred!
"Social dancers believe that living a life that matters doesn't happen by accident"
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