
Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The Point of Diminishing Returns.

This is the oldest of my blogs and at one time had three times the number of average hits per day of whatever was in second place. That was when we had one of the best bloggers on this Island. Started out for all Hawaii, and gradually we lost the interest from the neighbor islands. Then it seemed like most of the Night Club action was in Honolulu so it seems to have inherited that territory. Social Dance Oahu, a different blog seems to be evolving into West Oahu and the North Shore.

Yes, social dancers sometimes say ... "Okay, today I need a break myself,
I am going dancing." What a thought!

The content in our blog is mostly SOS (same old shit) mostly one blogger and the small snippets of dance information that I am able to get from Feedback. So at the moment we need feedback. Information contributors that can email something that we can share with the readers on Oahu. Of course photos would be icing on the cake. Two people in the photo are more effective than one person. Includes our favorite social dance clubs, our favorite dance studios and our favorite Night Clubs. Also any dance action anywhere else that you may think might be of interest to the readers.

"Fly Me To The Moon" by Jimmy Borges

I am gradually getting to point where I know what is needed in Blogging on Hawaii. And we do have some other good dance Blog sites and good dance Web sites. However the feedback from our good dancers out there is what will make our blogs. The Photos? Gravy. And it looks like Dancing Night blog just might be going into the sunset. I don't know but there is not enough Night Club contact. And I am physically hampered. Anybody out there?

 "Walk Through Paradise" by Melveen Leed

Latest Breaking News: Trump threatens to come to Hawaii and help to send these immigrants back too their "shit hole" countries. Mentioned something about "cages."

We just may get our country back again.

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