
Friday, June 21, 2019

We Are Not Lost.

By Francis Park Ki, Ewa Beach:
This is my view of self instruction in social dancing (and country-western dancing ). You can teach yourself dancing with DVD American Style dance lessons. The material presented is suitable for country club dances, formal balls, night clubs, and any honky-tonks too. Mostly of it is about slow social dancing, the kind that older people prefer, not the swing and latin dancing that we accustomed to hearing about.

"Social dancers think that dance is one of the most enjoyable
activities a person can engage in."

But it is about dancing to any kind of music with a constant rhythm and tempo, that we hear at most dance functions. There are many different figures, or maneuvers, that could be taught as an introductory course in social dancing. The student only has time to learn a few and by rote. Of course the key is social so you must be around friends. My view presents the figures that are most popular with social dancers, not the figures that are most popular with professional dance teachers.

"Hawaii Wedding Song" by Don Ho

No matter what they may say to pacify the customer, most of these teachers are primarily rooted in the culture of competition dancing and exhibition dancing, not social dancing. This may be true of some deluxe Night clubbers too. Competition and exhibition dancing require music with specific combinations of rhythm and tempo for the wide variety of elaborate and complicated competition figures associated with each dance to work. Social dancing requires figures that will work when the combinations of rhythm and tempo do not match any of the competition dances. A much smaller and simpler assortment of figures have the universal applicability required.

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them;
that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow
naturally forward in whatever way they like."  ~ Lao Tzu

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