
Monday, June 17, 2019

Number One

Town Dancer is still at the top of the blogs on my stats, Not by much and with an outsider as #2. A couple of regular Information Contributors and we could start planning the independence of this blog. Ideal would be to have five or six Guest Bloggers from different parts of the island and that have different viewpoints to share with our fellow dancers. Photos from everywhere. As Guest Bloggers, they could get in, post, delete or publish whatever without saying boo to anyone. I could resign in peace and have plenty to do with the remaining four blogs.

"Some social dancers believe this category could include such groups of dances
as circle dances, line dances, novelty dances, or simply club dancing in solo."

All blogs just holding steady or advancing very slowly in average hits per day. The most important need for now is the Information Contributor emailing whatever they would like to share with the reader/dancers. The new administrators and guest bloggers will make their decisions regarding any parameters to be set. Not the perfect people? So who in the hell is? I will resign and with a few more good contributors. the blog will get even better. What is so hard to understand about that?

"Fly Me To The Moon" by Jimmy Borges

Country dancing on Oahu is very popular and is an interesting mix of improvised dances, choreographed partner dances, and line dancing. Dancing is one of the most effective physical activities for enhancing the brain and making you smarter.Places are developing out to West Oahu. A lot of the movements tend to be repetitive, with variation opportunities for those who become comfortable. Some of the most popular dances are the country two step, cowboy swing, and the sweetheart stroll. And they are good in the oldies but goodies music department.

“Social dancers may believe that to say goodbye is to die a little.”

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