
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

2019 Looking Good

This year is looking nice in spite of my worsening health. Fortunately for me, moving to Mililani has done wonders for my depression, Since I had spread myself too thin, cutting down to only five blogs has been a very good method of cutting down on my work. No one has complained but then I don't get much feedback anyway. Of course there are a few that are beginning to see the advantage of blogs not "instead of" but blogs as "an addition to" their public relations. The entire enchilada is still relatively new, so we all must be patient. The readers are there and they are increasing every day.

"OK, we are starting to blog. Hey, life is short. At some point, we must take our
communication to its logical extreme, and blogging is how many of us
are going to be communicating anyway. Think about it."

I am in the process of trying to find the studios in West Oahu that are into our kind of social dance and perhaps we can give them access to our type of public relations. Some have excellent Web sites and just not interested. Since there is so much out there that is only business, many think in terms of paid advertising. So we must be patient there too. All they have to do is Email an item and/or photo and I will blog it ASAP. They may be very pleasantly surprise and from there we can get some good information contributors from many and the readership will keep going up. Social Media.

"Somewhere Over The Rainbow" by Bruddah Iz

We just have to be patient and hope for the best.There are over 20,000 potential dancers in this area, and most are going to Honolulu to dance. And not very often because it is so far. In Mililani they believe that, "I coulda been home in 20 minutes." There many places in town it will take 20 minutes to get out in the street. And very gratifying that in West Oahu, they are settling on the American Style of Social Dance. Very acceptable and melds very easily with the night club scene. We are fortunate to have some of the best American style teachers on this island. Now we just have to find some places to dance, with some good music and a better atmosphere.

"To spread our wings and fly boldly - To give thanks for rainbows and butterflies,
our symbols of renewal and rebirth - To offer daily Thanksgiving for ourselves,
our families, our friends, our community, for the whole world."

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