
Friday, February 8, 2019

Finally Coming Up

The Latin Beat has been missing. Not really missing because there a lot of Salsa out there. We are coming more of the "You can dance Rumba to it." which is not the same as "You gotta dance Rumba to it."  But that is alright. Is anyone out there aware of this fact? It is not understood by many that Rumba is Latin but it is understood in the upper strata of the International kingdoms of dancing, They know the big, big difference in Caucasian Music/Dance and the Latin whatevah.

“Social dancers have their favorites - some dances may be more awkward or difficult to learn.
Some will be boring or make you mad. some you will wish you never need to do again.
But AHA! You think. I will dance all the dances I can.”

So we will eventually have a Latin Social Dance Club on this island to enjoy some of the best music ever created on this earth, the Latin music. Sorry, but there is a big, big, difference. And we can accept that many of our islanders prefer others, to each his own. Latin Dancing is more than a ritual, It is music and dance from the natives of the Western Hemisphere as it was modified by the Europeans and the Africans. It is the place of oneness; the body, the soul and the spirit in perfect synchronization.”

"Tangerine" by Jimmy Dorsey


I have tried to contact dancing people in West Oahu and the silence has been deafening. But then most every one has a Web or Blog site. No need for my help. But some are discovering that that our blogs may help. You may email an item or a photo and I will publish in the next Blog. You can pick your favorite blog and I will publish on the next due date. The West coulda been a contendah! But the Rail Party already making millions. Property taxes going up? You ain't seen nuttin' yet. But you voted for Caldwell's Rail Party, now we are all stuck with them.

“Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well.”

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