
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Data, Music and Dance

My data analysis now is beginning to show evidence that my entire blog sphere is at the point of diminishing returns. Since the blog hits fluctuate so much I have my work sheet hits as average per day hits. With the five blogs that I have, the trend has slowed to an increase of about 20 average hits per month. I am still adding to the functions of the blogs. Most of the text is SOS (same old shit.) When and if we get a new Two Center willing to share their 2 cents with our fellow dancers, the hits will go through the roof. New blood, new opinions and new photos.

“Social dancers are creators, and all dancers create their own world
from the music into body movement to the rhythm."

Music in the blogs is still a way off, because it cannot benefit many dancers yet. Maybe we help, but I do not know yet how to get everyone with a computer to have some nice speakers on their computer or some good earphones. Then I can include my favorites in the blog. This with help of the existing information contributors and Guest Bloggers. This is just about as far as we will be able to go. So the numbers are there, if we can get more information contributors and more Guest Bloggers, the law of diminishing returns will be cancelled.

"Black Velvet" by Alannah Myles 1990

Throughout the island the dancers seem to have acquired a new taste for the Rumba-Bolero-Beguine type of music and dance with Rumba movements.There are three different basic step patterns in the American Rumba. The easiest of course the original from the Caribbean, a Rock step and a slow step, and breaking on the one or two whichever is the loudest. But it is used in the US as the alternate basic.The Arthur Murray box step is slow, quick, quick and the Fred Astaire box step is quick, quick, slow. I do not remember ever seeing the Astaire box in Hawaii. For Social Dancers it will eventually evolve into the alternate, the Rock Step and Slow.

“Two things are pretty much infinite: the universe and human stupidity;
and I'm not sure about the universe.” ~ Albert Einstein

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