
Sunday, March 17, 2019

Da West

Now that I have been writing in our blogosphere for a few years, I have come to find that blogging is a self-contained community that stretches around the world. Your blogging is your window out to the world, so that everyone can see in to your hobbies, interests, and passions. Each blog has its own persona sometimes joined by several others in a team and could be the nonsensical ramblings of the mind. In this case I got an overflow of pictures. Nice to spread it around.

"Many social dancers can hear their favorite music and feel a dance coming on."

Fortunately all five blog have an audience quite limited to Oahu. Not only that but the readers/dancers get to comment and interact with me by email. I may get an invitation to a dance function and I have to the opportunity to blog'em.

From Maile Yagi
Wahiawa Ballroom Dance Club’s theme dances have proven to be successful. Interesting
themed music that surrounds you with the atmosphere, mixed with your old time
favorites have a way of lifting you off into a flight of a most beautiful dance experience

Before 9:00 pm I moved my Rolador to the door and I could see the dance floor and be able to look out for the Handi Van. It arrived ten minutes late but OK by me, they are good people, just so they get me home. And I have an invitation to the Anniversary Dance of Aiea Ballroom Dance Association next month. I can go to the famous Palladium and blog'em.

"What A Wonderful World" by Brudder Iz

So these blogs need more outside feedback. How about sending in a nice little paragraph of your favorite club. Would be received nicely be all. Any photos would be icing on the cake. Email it in and I shall post it.

"Social dancers know that creativity is not an 8 hour job."

Attention Please: Looking for Dancer/computer Geek, I want to donate win 7 computer not working too well. Maybe fix and they can give to a friend. 

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