
Sunday, March 24, 2019

Moving Slowly

A liquor license in Honolulu means cash flow. But serving liquor also means additional costs, everything from carrying an inventory of wine glasses and beer mugs to organizing bins for recycling. Under state law, getting licensed is a painstaking process that can take more than four months. And  you cannot cover every taste that comes in. You just try to cover the most common.

"For Social Dancers, getting drunk is the problem, not the answer to the problem
and the reputation of being slow drinkers exists to this day."

Applications require numerous documents, including a floor plan of the joint drawn to scale, They also require the criminal history of each person on the application and fingerprints. In Honolulu, liquor license filing fees are $900. Annual licenses, depending on the category, cost between $1,080 and $1,200 per establishment or a percentage of gross sales up to $15,000. The whole thing is a big hassle.Then of course comes the object of selling as much booze as you can. That is your income.

Poster Submitted by Maile Yagi

Dancers get very thirsty when dancing and many places on the Mainland have fancy Juice Bars with several different kinds of juices available. And some juice bars can make more than half of what the Bar makes. Then there are many wanting to eat. Witness all the potluck dances where you can sure get some good eats at their socials. On the mainland they sell pupus that can be eaten with a fork, so they don't have to use their hands. Can make half the bar action.

"The truth shall set you free, and sometimes it
will get you pissed off in the process." 

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