
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Holding Steady

In late 1800s most of the partner dances were in folk dance groups. And there gradually evolved some of Polka and Waltz danced independently. And about the time of WWI the Foxtrot and the Rumba. After the war, in England the dance teachers got together and evolve the English Style of dance according to their rules. This led very nicely to competition and exhibitions. And since the dancers would all be trying dance the same movements, it was relatively easier to judge. Some of the revival dance forms became more recreational or athletically oriented than social or traditional.

"Roses are red, Salsa is hot. Chocolate has calories, Dancing has not."

The American Style develop from Arthur Murray who began to standardize the steps. His first studio was in 1938. Fred Astaire entered into the picture and the American Style became more standard. Other revival forms have become influenced by contemporary cultural and ideological forces. They built many ballrooms and they evolved into Big Ballrooms over 10000 square feet. And the Big Band emerged for just them. But a couple of decades after WWII, the term “ballroom dancing” took on a meaning of “competitive dance-sport studio dancing.”

"Holoholo Ka'a" by Willie K

The Top Dances on Oahu are the Ballroom Dances and all their ramifications. followed by the Hawaiian, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese and the Latin.That is about 50,000 people enjoying moving to the music of their choice. And how many dancers know that it is the "music" not the dance?

“The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four people is suffering from
mental illness. Look at your 3 closest friends. If they're OK, then?"

Attention Please: Looking for Dancer/computer Geek, I want to donate win 7 computer
not working too well. Maybe you fix and give to a friend.

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