
Monday, March 18, 2019

The New West

Our dance atmosphere is constantly changing and most of our social dancers seem to be more comfortable in smaller groups. In West Oahu they realize that the day of the Big Bands and the Big Ballrooms are over for most social dancers. The city may build a dance floor in West Oahu of about 4000 square feet at the most, which is about one third of the famous Palladium on Oahu. Hopefully it will be in the Central Valley.

 "Social dancers are not sure if the happier they are, the more they dance
or if the more they dance, they happier they are."

Anyway West Oahu is well aware of the St Patrick Day Dance in Wahiawa. I got so many photos that I posted three collages on Social Dance Oahu and one collage on Dance And Live blog on Saturday. Spread it around and let everyone know. Then today Sunday I got another collage in the Dancing Nights blog. Everybody on this Island will have a chance.

"Maui Waltz" by Loyal Garner

So more Social Dance Clubs are coming and with their own rules too. The biggest problem in West Oahu has been in finding a good place to dance close by. Going all the way to Honolulu is not the solution any more. Oh Boy. A nice small Club would have a ball every Saturday Night. Our hopes had been in Kapolei, second city but the Honolulu Fat Cats shut that down with the Rail disaster. A District Park or a Community Center? We could be dancing up a storm. No Rail Disaster, no crowded freeways, no downtown traffic. Our very own Paradise in the West.

From a top exhibition dancer
"I don't just dance. I perform, I breathe, I watch the world disappear. I release my feelings
and I lead with my heart. I tear down my walls, I stop feeling sad. I lose the pain,
I let go and I smile. - No, I don't just dance, I do much more.

Attention Please: Looking for Dancer/computer Geek, I want to donate win 7 computer not working too well. Maybe fix and they can give to a friend. 

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